Making the transition (from school to university)☺

Making the move from school to university is not easy. In universiti students have to make a new friend, and learn something new that they not learn in school.


1. Attend all classes

 πŸ˜±  You have to attend all the class because most of the test is from question that lecture always ask          in school.

2. Become an active learner

  😝 You have to read, write and always read the notes so it will obserb on your Long-term Memory.

3. Participate in class

   πŸ’– Set your goal to ask or answer one question during class. 

4. Get to know your Lecture

   πŸ’§ Always ask your lecture before or after class, it can make you feel comfortable if you have                  something that you not understand.

5. From study groups with friends

  😊  Maximum only 3 or 4 members in one group.  
  😊  You can exchange an idea from your friends.

6. Stay up to date your work

 πŸ’š Don't be a students that like to procrastinate their work. it can make you feel trouble and your            work will increase every day.

7. Be receptive to change

 πŸ˜ˆ You have to change how you writing your note, read and preparation before class and before exam. Do not bring your school life style in university.

8. Work hard this semester

  πŸ’…  You have to get more pointer for this semester, because every semester have more credits and more difficult.


Be positive and always get ready to be adult and forget about your high school lifestyle. 

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